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Private Packages & Prices

" Don’t underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.” – A.A. Milnes



Are you going through a hard time – overwhelmed by work, academic / school demands, relationship issues, daily tasks and responsibilities? Is your schedule hectic and are you struggling to create time & space for yourself and to relax fully? Are you feeling highly stressed and desperate for a way to unwind? Are you an athlete who wants to balance your active life-style? Perhaps struggling to maintain a good night sleep? You are aware that you should take a better care of yourself but you are not fully sure how? Are you wanting to get into yoga but worried that you are not skilled or fit enough to do so? Do you want to experience meditation without sitting uncomfortably still for a long period of time?


Well, I’m here to guide and support you through an amazing practice, Restorative Yoga, to create CALM within you!


Relax & Renew ® sessions and all other CALM packages are based on the powerful principles of restorative yoga combined with an effective system of mindfulness to implement radical changes in your mind-set and daily-life-habits, to create a healthier, calmer, more joyful and more vibrant YOU. It’s where the modern science of relaxation meets the ancient wisdom of Yoga & Mindfulness for anyone needs it regardless their gender, age, ability or social status.  


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I design and deliver tailored one-to-one private restorative yoga sessions that enable you to explore, cultivate and maintain CALM in an exclusive and deeper level. No matter what your reason is, a private restorative yoga session has plenty of benefits to build up a good and solid foundation for stimulating the REST & DIGEST response of your nervous system, and to achieve any and all of your personalised goals through it. I create these sessions for your level of experience - beginner to advance- and the issues you wish to address. One-to-One sessions are an ideal setting to deepen your RELAXATION practice with a focus on advanced and therapeutic applications.


Sessions are available by advanced booking only and can be practiced either in our fully equipped studio or in your home or work place*.


*(T & C are applied. Please get in touch for the details.)




Semi-private restorative yoga sessions are limited up to four students. It is ideal for families, friends, small corporate employees and/or team members who would like to schedule a session for bonding, celebration or motivational reasons no matter what the groups level is.


It's also for individuals who would like to practice in a semi-private environment as a single student. If you wish to be added on Invitation List of a semi-private restorative yoga group, please get in touch with me and I will contact you when a date & space become available.  


Sessions are available by advanced booking only and can be practiced either in our fully equipped studio or in your home or work place*.


*(T & C are applied. Please get in touch for the details.)






These sessions are absolutely for everyone who needs a little down-time away from the demands of the daily tasks and responsibilities. It's a great way of prevention of chronic stress related illnesses and a safe antidote to soothe and smooth the side effects of every-day stress in the body & mind. Specially designed to release the muscular tension that is created by bad-posture, sedentary or athletic/overstimulated way of living, demanding life style, unpleasant conversations that cause strain in the neck, back and hip area, digitally challenging environments, long commuting, heavy lifting or daily chores etc. It's extremely mind quietening and certainly provides you a safe refuge to get connected and feel physically, mentally and emotionally balanced.


Single 1x 60min session from £60

Block  5x 60min sessions from £250


Blue Keep Calm Onesie


This package is created for those who are new to yoga, particularly restorative yoga, and would like to have a trial with the aim of a specific wellbeing achievement such as pain management, better sleep, improvement of breathing, easing the symptoms of menopause, dealing with anxiety & depression, PTSD, auto-immune disorder, digestive issues etc. 


With this package you can gain knowledge about the foundation of restorative yoga and experience some therapeutic effects of breath, body and mind protocol through specifically designed restorative sequences.  


Block 3x 60min sessions from £165




From fertility (menstruation, pregnancy and menopause) to positive body image to mood swings, low self-esteem, feminine sexuality and breast cancer restorative yoga benefits women's health and vitality enormously.


This package is specifically designed to optimise the wellbeing and healing in female bodies. It shares practical restorative sequences to make women feel nurtured, empowered and whole again.  


Block 6x 60min sessions from £300


Children Heaping Hands


Young people are struggling with the increased pressures of everyday life, especially with the advent of social media, to manage their mental health. More young people realise every day that they are struggling in life to slow down and cope better, and today they are asking for practical tools to apply.


This package specifically comes up with the aim to empower the adolescents (age 11-18) through a mixture of active- and restorative practices in a fun environment. It shares practical restorative sequences alongside mindfulness games and self-care tips. Please get in touch for family sessions.  


Block 5x 60min sessions from £200


Downward Facing Dog


This package is created for those who need restorative support and guidance through pain management, injury recovery, returning to yoga, bereavement, PTSD, anxiety & depression, fatigue, addiction recovery, eating disorder, digestive issues, chronic stress related illnesses etc. 


It offers specifically tailored extra gentle sequences for each individual with the focus on personal wellbeing goals to achieve. After completing a health & lifestyle assessment, you will give me full idea about the structure of our practice together.      


Block 5x 60min sessions from £300


Sleeping Cat


This package is designed to help soothing your overstimulated senses before withdrawing for bed, so you can fall asleep with ease without tossing, turning or punching your pillow in the bed. 


It follows the breath, body and mind protocol by moving through the layers of your being and by softening the body to stimulate the relaxation process first. Then goes deeper in the process of relaxation and reduces overall fatigue in body and mind to enhance the sleep process. Finally it aims to change the brain waves with the help of breath and deeper restorative practices such as longer shavasana (basic relaxation pose) integrated with Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) to improve the quality of your night sleep.  


Block 6x 60min sessions from £300


Couple Meditating on the Beach


This is an investment package on your health & wellbeing which may help you to cultivate and maintain a new and regular CALM-habit in your life. It is designed to support and empower you for building up a strong foundation of new relaxation skills and more content way of life by learning how to be in the flow, fully present, here & now! 


It may help you developing the wisdom to pull yourself out of autopilot and teach you to live richer within and fully connected with yourself, others and the nature. You may choose this package for feeling more vibrant, deeply rested, energised and fresh, and to tap into your innate capacity of strength and wholeness.    


It contains 10x 60min one-to-one Relax & Renew ® sessions, 10x classes passes for my weekly group sessions, personalised self-care & relaxation program suggestions and handouts for practical mindfulness activities. 


Block 10x 60min sessions & more from £650


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Venues & DirectionsTel: +44 7982 944 217 |

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